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Help put an end to Deforestation


HowYou Can Help

As a consumer you can choose the eco-friendly option and benefit the Earth by supporting and buying products from companies that have the FSC logo.




To find out more about the FSC logo, visit






This will cause other major paper companies to be more eco-friendly. By raising awareness to the causes and the devastating effects of deforestation, we will be able to help manage deforestation.


Our solution to help slow down deforestation is fairly simple. We should ask companies to pledge to plant a tree for every tree that is cut down. In doing this, every tree they take away from the Earth is replaced by another one.


Defestatingly, the average American uses nearly six trees worth of paper each year. We can reduce the devastating effect of this deforestation by planting a tree for every tree cut down, if we do this, then soon we will have  replenished the forests we cut down.  


Since the rate of regrowth is slower than the rate of killing trees, by buying eco products made from recycled paper or banana paper, we will decrease the amount of trees needed to fill our unreasonably large needs. 


To find out more about banana paper, visit


Trees are the lungs of our world, and without them we can not survive. If we kill the trees, we kill our Earth. Please join the movement, and choose the eco-friendly option to help save our dying Earth.  


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